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The person I am choosing to walk for is my mom: Joanie Rhodes.

I first met her on Valentines Day in 1987 when my dad brought me back from the orphanage in Beruit, Lebanon. Since then she has been my rock whenever I needed to talk about something personal, needed advice about things, or smooth things over with my dad because in her words "don't worry about your dad I will get him to soften up." My mom was an English as Second Language (ESL) teacher for over 25 years. She always stressed to my sister and I the importance about helping others in whatever capacity we could. She has been a priests wife for over 45 years, and at every parish she was at she always helped out wherever she could. She has been at the current parish for a little over 40 years. When they came to this parish my parents were in their early 30's with no kids yet. My mom since day one always helped out doing baking for fundraisers or holidays, cooking for annual festival, decorating church with flowers, etc. Whatever had to be done at church she would do because it brought happiness and peace to her heart.

In early 2021 she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and Dementia. A lot had changed due to the pandemic, but one constant is my mom didn't lose her love for helping the church and loving her family and friends. As she has progressed over the last two years, we don't look at her as someone with this terrible disease, but as someone who is still our mom, wife, and friend. Somedays are better than others for her and we take those in stride. She is an inspiration of loyalty, love, compassion and throw in a little stubbornness for good measure, but that is what makes her who she is.

Everyday she tells me "do good things sweetheart"

If anyone wants to walk with me I will be posting updates where to meet as we get closer to the walk date.

Thank you all,

Johnny Rhodes

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Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$260 Raised
17% Achieved

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Our Walk

Our Walk
2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Monterey, CA
Saturday, October 19, 2024

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Team Honor Roll
Mrs. Christine D Warde
Cheryl Langevin
Stacey Shelton-Farmer
Top Donors
Mrs. Christine D Warde
Cheryl Langevin
Stacey Shelton-Farmer

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