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2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Coachella Valley, CA

Dementia Help Center's Thriving Family Caregivers

Join our team

Unite in a movement to reclaim the future for millions. Join our team for the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's™, the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds to fight Alzheimer's disease. Together, we can advance research to treat and prevent Alzheimer's, and provide programs to improve the lives of millions of affected Americans.

Dementia Help Center's Thriving Family Caregivers - Join Team Raised
I'm a CHAMPION in the fight against Alzheimer's Personal Gift Kae Hammond $1,545.00
Claudia Bailey $0.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Byron Bean $300.00
Personal Gift Diane Bean $70.00
Earned a shirt Carter Bell $100.00
Earned a shirt Cora Ann Bell $100.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Joan Darrah $120.00
Earned a shirt Cecelia Daves $260.00
Earned a shirt Phillip Daves $150.00
Mary Denkler $0.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Patricia Evans $245.00
Ruby Johnson $0.00
Bill Lempre $0.00
Leonell McCann $0.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Patsy McCann $100.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Carolyn Meyer $100.00
Anita Ortega $0.00
Charles Ortega $0.00
Tom Price $0.00
Earned a shirt jeff schantz $100.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift mimi schantz $100.00
Faithe and Dan Scheillinger $0.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Elaine Simerlink $100.00
Earned a shirt James Simerlink $100.00
Earned a shirt Joyce Speaks $100.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Robert Speaks $150.00
Earned a shirt Personal Gift Betty Stuart $470.00
Team Gifts $350.00
Denotes a Team Captain