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In memory of Hortensia

Hi Everyone,

I decided to participate in this year's walk in memory of my mother Hortensia Ysiano.  She was diagnosed in December 2008 and died this last December.  My mother was a super lady who worked hard her whole life and it saddened me to see the end of her life destroyed by such a terrible disease...she was always so independent and self sufficient.  With the help of family, friends, great paid caregivers and 2 local daycare facilities, I was able to keep her home during this time and I am extremely grateful to everyone who helped me with her care.  I could never have taken such good care of her alone.  To the best of our ability we treated her with the dignity and respect she deserved and tried to make her feel as special as possible.  I am participating in this year's walk as a way to pay forward the help I received with my mother and to do something positive in her memory.

Unfortunately since my mother was diagnosed I have found other close friends who are also struggling with this disease in their family.  If you are unable to help the Alzheimers Association financially by supporting my team, I ask that you pray for the families and caregivers who are taking care of their loved one or offer them some help...even if it is only 2 hours a month.  Offer to take the caregiver out to lunch or offer to stay with their loved one so they can go out to lunch with someone else...or go to a movie by themself or just enjoy a few hours with no responsibility.  If the caregiver can't get away then just go visit so they don't feel alone in their struggle.  I am participating in this walk to bring awareness to others as much as I am to help raise money, so please help how ever you feel you are called to help.

Thank you for your support,


I prefer to mail my donation.