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2024 Macon's Got Talent


Welcome to Virginia Wilcox's Page

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Dr. Virginia Wilcox grew up in Macon, Georgia and now resides in Forsyth. She is an alum of First Presbyterian Day School, Wesleyan College, and Auburn University. She was a classroom teacher for 14 years and today is the chair of the Education Department at Wesleyan College. She has been married to Howard Albert Wilcox III for 33 years and is the proud mother of three headstrong and fiercely independent college women; Georgia, Teresa, and Charlotte Wilcox. If given the choice, most days, she can be found snuggled on her sofa or by her fire pit with her Boston Terrier, Roxy, in her lap, a book in one hand and a tasty adult beverage in the other. She is an aficionado of classic Old Fashioned drinks, Live music, Braves Baseball, and Children’s Literature. Her favorite song is Drops of Jupiter by Train and her favorite movie is the Princess Bride.


Why do I dance this year?

As an educator for over 30 years, I have long understood the importance of addressing various learning modalities when teaching content.

While all of those learning styles are important, there has always been something a bit more powerful when music and movement are combined.
I mean…I can barely remember what I had for dinner last night
Let the first chord of a song I haven’t heard in years play and I can belt out every word with ease.
And my goodness…if ever in my past there was a dance routine or some kind of fun movement associated with that song…come on…that’s when things get real.

This is something that as I’ve grown in my education, conducted research on how learning occurs, and immersed myself in effective teaching strategies has consistently been shown to have incredibly high impact on learning and retention.

It wasn’t until recently that I also began to see the impact music and movement can have on individuals and families struggling with the impact that Alzheimers has on their loved ones and their families.

For so many all it takes is a special song or dance to bring those this disease is taking from us back
If only for the duration of that song
We get them back for just that moment

That is why I’m participating in this event.
I wish for all those who are watching someone they love drift away
For just one moment back with them and I believe music and movement are pathways to those moments.

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