Why I Ride: About 1 in 9 people aged 65 or older suffer from Alzheimers, 110 in 100,000 people aged 30-64 suffer from Alzheimers, leaving us with a total of 6.7 million nation wide.
My family has been directly affected by Alzheimers, and it's one of the hardest things to understand and figure out how to navigate. So here I am. I will be riding to fund research for Alzheimer’s. I will be riding to raise awareness. I will be riding to honor those lost to and living with this devastating disease. I will be riding in hopes that someday other families won't have to travel the journey of Alzheimers without treatments or even prevention options.
My goal is to raise $1,200 to support Alzheimer's Association! For the bike ride, I plan to ride the 35 mile route (15 miles more than last year!), which will definitely push my limits….for myself, for those that can no longer be here with us and those that are currently struggling. Thank you for supporting my efforts!
This $$$ directly supports the Alzheimer’s Association’s efforts to discover methods of treatment and prevention for Alzheimer’s disease through research. Ride on!
Cheer Me On!