Why I Ride: I ride for Mom. I ride for my Aunts. I ride for my Grandmother. I ride for my sisters. I ride for me. I ride for HOPE!
I ride, I volunteer, and I lead the Texas Volunteer Committee that is putting on our 4th annual Ride to End Alzheimer's in Wimberley Texas! In 3 years we have raised over $2.6M that has gone to all important research to help 6 million Americans living with this disease, and the over 11 million family members and friends who provide them with care.
Right now, there is no shortage of ideas in Alzheimer’s research — only dollars. Research has provided hope these past couple of years! We have momentum and we have hope! Which is why I am asking for your support. I am participating on the Ride to End ALZ®, a fully-supported, premier cycling event that supports the Alzheimer’s Association’s efforts to discover methods of treatment and prevention for Alzheimer’s disease.
With each mile I ride, I am raising funds to advance research toward the first survivor of Alzheimer’s. Thank you for always supporting me in this passion project!
Cheer Me On!