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2024 Ride to End ALZ - New England Saturday, June 1, 2024


2024 Ride to End ALZ - New England

Team JB

This is my dad, John Barao. My father grew up in New Bedford, MA where he met my mother Sheri. The two would have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June the 17th, 2022. My father worked his whole life for his family and supported us to ensure we never went without. With an infectious personality my father is caring, smart, funny and direct; always giving the joke or piece of advice you needed to hear. A born salesman my father sold me every Honda I have owned until he retired from Manchester Honda in 2017. I am eternally grateful for my dad's love, patience, support and the inspiration he has given me throughout my life. I am forever proud of my father and hope to continue to live in his honor.

My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in July of 2021 after noticing a decline in his cognition in late 2019. He unfortunately declined rapidly and was in and out of care facilities and hospitals. Losing his memory, cognition and basic function in the end stages of this horrific disease our family had to come to terms with losing one of the most hard working, kind and genuine people we have ever had the good fortune to know. With great sadness my father's suffering came to an end on April 21, 2022 - two days after his 72nd birthday.

This disease has taken my father away from his family and friends. It has robbed him of a well earned retirement and a peaceful end to his accomplished life. My father, and millions of other sufferers of this disease deserve better.

In June, I will once again be completing the 100 mile Ride to End ALZ in honor of my father. My father was a very proud man and would never ask for the help, but with this great loss I believe good can come. Your support of and donation to this ride, will work towards one day procuring a viable treatment to ensure that my father's suffering was not in vain. Any amount is greatly appreciated and for those of you who are up for the challenge you can grab your helmet and contact me about joining Team JB on June 1st in Hampton, NH!

These dollars are desperately needed- for the more than 5.8 million Americans living with Alzheimer's, their 16 million caregivers, and millions more who have lost a loved one to this disease.

Please support my efforts by making a donation. All funds raised benefit the Alzheimer's Association and their ground breaking momentum in the field of Alzheimer's research. 90% of the funds raised go toward the Association's efforts to discover methods of treatment and prevention for Alzheimer's and other dementias.

Help us cycle in honor of my father and move towards a world with our first Alzheimer's survivor and donate today!

Why We Ride: Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, and over 11 million are acting as their caregivers. 

We are going the distance for all those affected while raising funds and awareness to advance research toward the first survivor of Alzheimer’s. 

Right now, there is no shortage of ideas in Alzheimer’s research — only dollars. But together, we can help change that. Funds raised from this event will go toward the Association’s efforts to discover methods of treatment and prevention for Alzheimer's and other dementias. 

Alzheimer’s touches all of us, and it will take all of us to end it. Please join our team or donate today.

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90% of the funds raised go toward the Association's efforts to discover methods of treatment and prevention for Alzheimer's and other dementias.