Team Page of:

A Future Without Alzheimer's

Team Progress
of Goal
$6,020 Raised

Our Team Story

On April 30th, we're raising funds and awareness for Alzheimer's (and all dementia) in our nation's capitol by hosting a monument walk. Part of our goal is to help people understand that this is not an older generation's problem-- this is ALL of our problem, which is why we're so happy to have multiple generations represented on our team! There are SO many causes to care about, especially here in DC, and curing Alzheimer's needs to be a top priority. As it stands, 1 in 3 adults over 65 will get some form of dementia, and we believe we can achieve a much brighter future if we make it a priority. Thanks so much for your support!

Team Members

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Team Roster
Team Gifts
Team captain
Denotes a Team Captain

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to our donor list today!


Thanks to Our Donors!
Jennifer Van Oss
Van Oss Family

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