Our Team Story
The motorcycling community is filled with caring, generous and fun-loving folks...and I'm out to prove it with the ADV4ALZ campaign. While I'm riding over 5000 miles this year on the Trans America Trail, I'm calling on every motorcycle rally, club, individual rider and loved one across the country to donate, join a ride, or register your own event in 2025 and turn it into a ride for good.
Funds go to the Alzheimer's Association, given a top 4-star ranking by Charity Navigator, supporting research efforts and caregivers in the toughest job they'll ever do. You can help in multiple ways and it's easy.
1. The easiest way... Click the DONATE button and adopt me as a rider.
2. Better, click JOIN OUR TEAM and go a step further. Use an easy template and create your own unique page to share on social media, expanding your reach to friends and family. Here you can even choose to turn your own ADV ride, breakfast, BBQ, auction or other event into its own campaign within ADV4ALZ. It's easy but I'll be glad to personally help you set things up if needed.
With your help, families can receive support on their Alzheimer’s journey, and we can push research forward to a future without Alzheimer’s. Lives will be changed. On behalf of nearly 7 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and over 11 million caregivers — THANK YOU.

Team Members
The Power of a Donation
The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
Add your name to our donor list today!
#TheLongestDay #ENDALZ