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MelrosePRO - Riverhouse NYE Party

Team Progress
of Goal
$4,020 Raised

Our Team Story

Get your tickets for the Disco Inferno Ball with Jazz Performer Patrick Lamb!

Melrose is teaming up with The Riverhouse this New Year's Eve! We have some amazing prizes for a shopping raffle so you can support the Alzheimer's Association while dancing the night away.

LONGESTDAY for a 15% discount on the event!

The founder of Melrose, Gina Marie Christopher, decided to start producing in honor of Grandmother, Aunt, and Friends who have passed away fighting this disease.

“When my family and friends were diagnosed, we relied on laughter to cope with our helplessness. However, after six years of comedy, I realized I wanted to do more than just make people laugh. The Alzheimer's Association and The Longest Day Fundraiser allow me to honor the incredible minds and hilarious personalities of my grandmother Agnus, my aunt Claudia, my dear friend Harold, and all those who cherished them dearly: Winifred, Paul, Aaron, and Dorothy.I'll try and do something crazy for all of you so there's no way you'll forget” - Gina Marie Christopher.

We need your help to end this relentless disease. Together, the strength of our light will outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s. Your kindness and generosity make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s. I appreciate your support!

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The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to our donor list today!


Thanks to Our Donors!
gina christopher

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