Team Page of:

Gerry & Marriane Studer Memories

Team Progress
of Goal
$535 Raised

Our Team Story

Welcome to The Longest Day - Fishing to END ALZ Fundraising Fishing Tourney!!

The Longest Day is the day the Alzheimer's Association callson everyone to shine their light on the darkness of Alzheimer's by doing an activity of their choice to raise funds and awareness for care, support &research - and We LVE Fishing!!

Stay tuned for more details

Team Members

Indicates team captain
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Team captain
Denotes a Team Captain

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to our donor list today!


Thanks to Our Donors!
Friends atMarCum, In Memory of Gerald Studer
Gary Ruhter
Jan Tucker
Lee Tourtillott
Michelle Jackman
Scott Ingalls

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