Fundraising Progress
I am
playing Mah Jongg
to fight Alzheimer's
My Story
Paul and I met through mutual friends who understood our parallel paths, having each lost our spouse to Alzheimer's Disease. As individuals who have personally experienced the impact of Alzheimer's disease, Paul and I are joining The Longest Day fundraiser to conquer Alzheimer's, a disease that urgently needs our attention. As a nation, we face significant public health challenges, and Alzheimer's stands prominently among them. Given the disease's critical status as a public health issue in America, our collective support is crucial.
Your generosity can bring us closer to a groundbreaking moment -- the first Alzheimer's SURVIVOR! Together, we can make that day a reality! Follow the link below to contribute.
The Power of a Donation
The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
Add your name to my donor list today!
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#TheLongestDay #ENDALZ