Fundraising Progress
My Story
I have decided to try and raise $1,600 thru donations by biking 71 miles with friends and family for my 71st Birthday. I decided to hold the ride on The Capital Trail in Richmond on Saturday, July 20th since my birthday is July 20. I'm inviting friends and family to join me with their own mileage and donations to help me reach my goal. I'll need to break my mileage up into a couple of rides since my back won't appreciate biking 71 miles in one shot. So I'm planning to push off from Four Mile Creek Park at 8:00 am on Saturday and ride at least 30 miles to complete my goal.
Please let me know if you can help with a donation. Any and every amount will be so much appreciated. The Alzheimer's website makes it simple to sign up and donate.
Happy and honored to ride with any of you'all that can find the time to join me.
Hope to hear from you:)
The Power of a Donation
The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
Add your name to my donor list today!
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#TheLongestDay #ENDALZ