Darlene Berg

is fundraising to honor:

My Bachan & Grandma.

Fundraising Progress

Darlene Berg
of Goal
$120 Raised

I am

Working Out

to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

For The Love

Join My Team

My Story

I joined this event the first year they offered it, in 2012, to honor my Bachan who passed January 25, 2012 and fight for this cause that was also affecting my Grandma. My fight has not ended, only grown in strength. On January 15, 2018, my Grandma ended her fight, very peacefully, on her own terms. I miss my Bachan and Grandma the same today as I did their last. The strength they both showed during their years of suffering with Alzheimer’s, fuels my passion and gives me endurance, to never stop doing what I can, for those who can’t.  

Although, the advanced stages of their Alzheimer's caused them not to be able to express themselves as they once did, they were both able to squeeze my hand, look me in the eyes, and I could hold and kiss them as we always did.  I fight with passion because they both FOUGHT every day. Because they both endured years of memory and function loss. Because they both laid in a bed, my Bachan more conscious for a few days before she passed and my Grandma, unconscious for 13, with no food or fluids. Because they raised me to be confident, independent, courageous, to help others, and to stand up for what I believe in. They are my strength, my inspiration, and where my heart lies, and this fight is because of them. 

I also fight this disease because of the many people I have met who have been effected. This day is in honor or memory of them. My team's name is For The Love...Of Hillary's Grandma, Jasmyn's Grandma, Caren's Grandma, Betsy's Mom, Leslie's Dad, Anastasia's Great-Grandma, Jackie A's Dad & Grandma, Brandi's Grandma, Vicki's Dad, Liz's Dad, Mr. Gosswein, Anna's Grandma, Jennifer's Grandma, Irene's Grandma, Robin's Grandma, Matt's Grandma, Carly’s Grandpa, Cindy’s friend Jeannette, Maureen’s Mom, Stacey’s Grandpa and all the others.
Please join us with a donation or your presence on June 22nd and together we will battle this disease and honor all those who battle or battled and never had the choice.

Live Inspired Always,

Darlene Berg



The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


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Thank You Donors!
Darlene Berg
Larry Nakamura
View my Team Donors