Chris Heerdegen

is fundraising to honor:

my Father and Grandfather

Fundraising Progress

Chris Heerdegen
of Goal
$13,372 Raised

Solstice Champion

I am

supporting the fight to end Alzheimer's

with my team

Rowing to Remember

Join My Team

My Story

The Longest Day is the day of the year with the most light -- the summer solstice. And it's the day I have committed to fight Alzheimer's disease! I'm participating in The Longest Day, a fundraising event to advance the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

From the time my Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's I started to do more research on what could be done to prevent it's onset or, at a minimum reduce the effects since all 3 male members of my Dad's family had now been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. In addition, I know of many other friends, relatives and business associates who have dealt with or are dealing with many of the issues that my family just experienced. In my research I found that something that was consistent throughout was to maintain a healthy diet, monitor cholesterol levels and exercise to help keep proper blood flow and reduce the build up of plaque in the arteries. After Dad passed away in November 2018 I really started to think of something that I could do to not just honor him but to also raise awareness because there are so many others like myself.

As part of my own journey to better health I discovered indoor rowing as both a great cardiovascular and strength training workout that didn't beat me up so much that I'd give up. It's while rowing over the holidays that I came up with my Longest Day challenge. I've rowed a number of marathons so I was thinking of something big that would really be motivational and push me to do something that I had never done before, but could be repeated annually if it proved successful.

My Dad was 72 when he passed away so I set a goal to row 7,200 meters for each hour of daylight on June 21st. Figuring that there are 16 hours of daylight from 6 am -10 pm that equals 115,200 meters, and here's where it gets very cool. There's 1,600 meters in a mile and when you divide 115,200/1,600 it equals exactly 72 miles, my Dad's age when he passed. When I saw that math I knew it was what I had to do. My goal is to raise $50,000 and I greatly appreciate your support!

Stand up to the darkness of Alzheimer's and make a donation today to help the Alzheimer's Association support all those facing the disease. Thank you!

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Jackson National Life Insurance Compa y COMPANY
Ann Huner - In honor of Vicki Huner
Carol Smietanski
Chris Heerdegen
Chris Heerdegen
Chris Heerdegen
Cindy Lashley
Cutting Edge Countertops
Dale & Tina
David and Lisa Lulfs
E J Bannister
Iott Insurance Agency, Inc
Jennifer Beardsley
Kathleen Heerdegen
Roger Kerner
Samuel, Son and Co. (USA) Inc.
Victory Automotive Group
William Bonnett
View my Team Donors