Lynn Meltzer

is fundraising to honor:

Peter Meltzer

Fundraising Progress

Lynn J. Meltzer
of Goal
$6,115 Raised

Solstice Champion

I am

supporting the fight to end Alzheimer's

with my team

Lexington Goes Purple

Join My Team

Lynn & Pete, the year that Pete was diagnosed.
Lynn & Pete, the year that Pete was diagnosed.

My Story

Pete passed away from Alzheimers on Thursday, January 25, 2024. Pete and I, together with Colin, Danny, and our entire family, have been dealing with this merciless disease since Pete was diagnosed nearly seven years ago with Early Onset Alzheimer's disease. Pete had a lifetime commitment towards helping others in times of need and he devoted his life to organic chemistry with the goal of creating medications to address disease.

The journey has been very challenging as there has been no medication that can offer the hope of curing or slowing down the symptoms of Alzheimer's. The care and support offered by so many wonderful professionals at the Alzheimer's Association, Bridges by Epoch in Lexington, and Seniors Helping Seniors, have helped us to persist and to remain resilient.

Today, an estimated 50 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer's or other dementias, including more than 6 million Americans. In the United States alone, more than 11 million friends and family members are providing care. We must take action now, or these numbers will continue to rise. Please help us all to stand up to the darkness of Alzheimer’s by making a donation today to help the Alzheimer's Association support all those living with this disease.

Thank you for supporting Pete and our family by helping to ensure a future where this devastating disease no longer destroys the lives of so many millions of families!

Lynn & Pete, the year that Pete was diagnosed.
Lynn & Pete, the year that Pete was diagnosed.

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Alex Pire
Betsy and David Harris
Bianca Evarts
Bob and Marilyn Brooks
Brenda Wolpert
Caitlin Vanderberg
Camay, Jim, Sean, Mark & TSF Team
Cheryl Baressi
Christopher Ranjitkar
Dan Meltzer
Dana Messika
Daniel Wu
Deborah Weiner Soule and Benjamin Soule
Dewie Weiner in honor of Lynn Meltzer
Don Wertlieb
Elizabeth Ross
Howard Sard
Jane Gertler
Janet Peluso
Jessica Chiusolo
Judy and Eric Lubershane
Judy Pappo and Fred Dodd
Laura and Bob Kulin
Laurel Black
Lynn J. Meltzer
Lynn J. Meltzer
Meredith Cohen
Ms. Janis Hersh
Robert Ducot
Roma Kelley and Family
Roy and Serena Crystal
Sam Goldstein
Stephanie Kendall
Sylvia Perlman
Taylor McKenna
The Osburne-Rothstein Family
Tsipora Cohen
View my Team Donors