June Ward

is fundraising to honor:

My mom and her 3 siblings - my aunts and Uncle - who all died from Alzheimer's Disease

Fundraising Progress

June Ward
of Goal
$20 Raised

I am


to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

Mountain Jammers

Join My Team

Sisters Jammin' for a Cure!  (strawberry jam day!)
Sisters Jammin' for a Cure! (strawberry jam day!)

My Story

In November 2020 we said goodbye to our precious Aunt Ann.  Cause of Death: Alzheimer's Disease, just like Granny, Moma, Uncle Gerald, Aunt Betty, and cousin Lynn.  

Hope prevails!

  • That YOU are the Mountain Jammers community!   We make jam, because we love fruit and preserving and sharing the delights of sweet deliciousness from summer.  But it would be nothing without all the people who donate amazing crafts, services, those who buy jam, and bid on items to help raise funds.  Everyone knows someone touched by Alzheimer's Disease and it is so powerful to hear your stories.  Being in community with one another changes things.  Sharing jam and stories, hoping to win a quilt or a trip or a custom made gift, is part of the excitement, but the real story is the power of US, all of us!  Thank you for sharing sorrows, joys and this important cause!    Together we make a difference.  Together we raise funds so Alzheimer's Disease will lose. One day, we will all have been a piece of the amazing puzzle creating a world without Alzheimer's Disease!  Community creates change!  

  • Alzheimer's  casts a long shadow on our family, but not only our family, more than 5 million Americans have the disease. In the United States alone, more than 15 million caregivers generously dedicate themselves to those with Alzheimer's and dementia. And these numbers will only continue to rise unless we take action.

    It is time for a cure! Together, we can show those facing Alzheimer's disease they are not alone.

    Please make a donation to help the Alzheimer's Association advance research and provide care and support to those facing the disease today. 

    FUN FACT:   DID YOU KNOW?!  The Alzheimer's Association is the 3rd largest funder of Alzheimer's Research in the WORLD!  The USA and Chinese governments are #1 and #2, and the Alzheimer's Association is #3.  You can be part of that!  

    Thank you,

    June Fowler Ward

    Sisters Jammin' for a Cure!  (strawberry jam day!)
    Sisters Jammin' for a Cure! (strawberry jam day!)

    The Power of a Donation

    The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

    Add your name to my donor list today!


    Mail-in Donation Form

    Thank You Donors!
    June Ward
    View my Team Donors