Katy Hanke

is fundraising to honor:

her mom, Marge Lewis

Fundraising Progress

Katy Lewis Hanke
of Goal
$23,070 Raised
Solstice Champion

I am

supporting the fight to end Alzheimer's

with my team

Memories For Marge

Join My Team

My Story

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Alison Schiraldi
Antonella Castro
Ashley Remillard
Brittany Quinn
Brittany Shepherdson
Brooke Shepherdson
Cara Smith
Caroline & Kevin Gray
Charlie & Cathy King
Cherie Hart
Colleen Rivers
Cynthia Amaral
Elizabeth Wahler
Emily Horowitz
Erica Callahan
Jackie Tavera
Jackie Wills
Jean Devries
Jenell Giroux
Jennifer G.
Jessica Steelberg
Juan Calcagno
Judi Osborne and Karen Taylor
Kate and Brant Gresham
Katie & Tim Miller
Kristen Gooding
Kylette Welch
Laurie Resch
Lori McKay
Lynette Vieira
Megan Peykoff
Megan Sullivan
Michael Chandra
Michelle Linovitz
paige Cavender
Pam Horowitz
Rebecca MCLarand
Rusty Turner
Shelley Geiler
Shvetz family
Steph Soltis
Steve, Michael and Blaise
The Baumgartner Family
View my Team Donors