2024 The Longest Day - 48 Peaks

Gina Langdon

is fundraising to honor:

all those facing Alzheimer's

Fundraising Progress

Gina Langdon
of Goal
$271 Raised

My Story

On June 8th, I'm honoring those affected by Alzheimer's disease by participating in 48 Peaks.

I will be hiking with friends to the summit of Mt. Hancock and Mt. South Hancock, two of New Hampshire's 4000 ft peaks in the White Mountains. We are taking on this challenge to share our dedication in raising funds and awareness to end Alzheimer's disease! Please make a donation and help me reach my goal!

Together, we can show those facing Alzheimer's disease that they are not alone.

Thank you!

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
April Wong
Gina Langdon
Jo-Anne Fay
Pamela Tobichuk
Susan Tanguay
View my Team Donors