Team Page of:

Team JOY

Team Progress
of Goal
$20,035 Raised

Our Team Story

flowers.  While we were out, so many folks asked us about our purple shirts and why we were wearing them.  Goal Met!  Getting a conversation going, raising awareness that this disease is not going away, and acknowledging that everyone will be affected, directly or indirectly.  This is the goal.

I'm sure I'm not alone in saying, "I want this disease to go away."  My youngest Team Joy members are my grandchildren, Carter, Violet, Dominic and Zinnia.  We'll soon be adding one more...Baby Girl O'Connell will be arriving sometime late June/early July.  Life.  I want these babies to have a life without Alzheimer's Disease.  Undoubtedly, they will have something to research, cure, or change, when they are adults.  I am hoping Alzheimer's is not part of that.  

Purple means to me (I wrote and included this in a Team Joy email in July, 2023).

“Purple is a symbol of strength, of determination, of hope and of a journey, representative of a “deep” caring for a loved one(s) or others,  their endurance throughout that journey, and a symbol of the continuation of that love even after they are gone.” 

~Paula Selland

Team Members

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Team Roster
Team Gifts
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Denotes a Team Captain

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

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Thanks to Our Donors!
Brenda Cook
brian, susy, leif , anja, karin,
David Baker - In loving memory of brother, Jack Ba
David Liffrig
Dean and Kathleen
Debbie and Steve Kinz
Deborah Selland
Debra Grivois
G&Nic - we admire your amazing efforts Paula!!
In honor of all Team Joy participants, 2016-2024.
In honor of Markelle, caregiver for Grandma Betty.
In memory of Pat Dostert
Jack and Carla
Janelle Verhey
John Bourscheid
Jon Selland
Katherine Faryniarz
Kelly Lyden
Kim Burckhard
Kristi & Andrew
Lee Dorsey
Lien's Jewelry
Lori Thorsen
Lynne Troup
Margot Loiselle
Maryann Loiselle
Michele Obermeier
Ms. Jane Porter
Ms. Paula Selland
Ms. Paula Selland
Randi Westmeyer
Ross Gibbs
Sarah & Zac
Sherlene Nelson
steve and krisit lausch
Susan Roise
Tiffany Craig
Tiffany Craig
Tom & Kim Teichert
Tom & Ruth Louise zupetz Miller
Tom Pringle
Tyrell and Austin

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