Faith Parker

is fundraising to honor:

all those facing Alzheimer's

Fundraising Progress

Faith Parker
of Goal
$170 Raised

I am

supporting the fight to end Alzheimer's

with my team

Lexington Goes Purple

Join My Team

My Story

June 20, 2022 will be the Alzheimer's Association's "official" celebration of The Longest Day. The celebration is so named to honor those who have dedicated their lives to caring for loved ones who have dementia. For them, every day is "The Longest Day". It might be a day spent listening to the same stories and answering the same questions over and over again. It might be a day spent on hyper-alert to make sure that a loved one stays safe. It might be the longest day because the previous night was spent trying to get a loved one to sleep for just a few hours. Caring for someone with dementia is more than a full-time job. It is a 24 hour 7 day per week 365 day per year labor of love. And make no mistake - COVID 19 has made this tough job even tougher. I have been fortunate. Although I have had several loved ones suffer (and some have died) from dementia, I have not had to be the primary caregiver. I work to support and promote Lexington Goes Purple in honor of my sister-in-law, Allison Parker, who cares for my in-laws. In honor of my father, Richard K. Putney, who cared for my mother. And for my cousins, Lorrie Potter Dauphin and Kenny Knutsen who cared for their spouses, also my cousins. I am so lucky and grateful to have had all of you. And I hope that this fundraiser gives the Alzheimer's Association at least a tiny percentage of what it needs to support my family and all the heroes out there who are walking this road. Not to mention the funding needed to find a viable treatment. Please support us generously by donating above.

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Faith Parker
Joe Pato & Jeri Zeder
View my Team Donors