Jurado Myrna

is fundraising to honor:

her late father, Pedro Jurado

Fundraising Progress

Jurado Myrna
of Goal
$20 Raised

I am

supporting the fight to end Alzheimer's

with my team

M&R - Costner & Rosenberg

Join My Team

My Story

Alzheimer's has certainly touched my life and that of my entire family as we lost my dad, my hero to this very sad disease. It is so painful to see an individual who was always so socially dynamic and fully independent to regress so quickly to the point where he could not remember his own family, if he had eaten or not and was lost in his childhood world. Our family was committed taking care of him and he had a dignified end.

Your donation means so much, to myself and to all those affected by the disease. On behalf of more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and over 11 million caregivers — thank you.


The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


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Thank You Donors!
Jurado Myrna
View my Team Donors