Janice Steirn

is fundraising to honor:

My mother, Rena, and my seven aunts and uncles, all lost to Alzheimer's.

Fundraising Progress

Janice Steirn
of Goal
$1,642 Raised

Solstice Champion

I am

supporting the fight to end Alzheimer's

with my team

Legacy: Linking Generations for a Cure

Join My Team

My Story

My name is Janice. I am one of 5 daughters, born and raised in West Virginia. My maternal grandmother's parents came from Eastern Europe and raised a family of eight children, my grandmother and great aunts and uncles. Fast forward and seven of these eight children developed Alzheimer's Disease. Seven of eight. The one sibling who was not directly attacked by Alzheimer's was my grandmother. Although it did not directly attack her, she watched every one of her cherished siblings fade, and fade, and fade, losing their memories, and themselves to Alzheimer's. And she suffered along with her in-laws as they lost their mates, and she saw her nieces and nephews slowly lose their parents.

My grandmother lived to be 102 years old, and no form of dementia touched her brain. At the same time we mourned the lost of our aunts and uncles, we were grateful that our grandmother was spared. But her oldest daughter, my mother, was not.

My sisters and I watched Alzheimer's Disease slowly consume my mother's passions, her memories, her spirit, and her personality. The six years, from the time of her diagnosis, to the time of her death, were agonizing, for all of us. And although her death released her from the grip of Alzheimer's, our pain has lingered.

So, I joined the Alzheimer's Association and I am participating in The Longest Day to raise awareness for the care and support provided by the Association. But mostly, I want to raise funds to support research of the Association. I want to see Alzheimer's treated, I want to see people recover from this disease, and I want to see it prevented, so no one is lost to it, one piece of themselves at a time.

The Longest Day is the day with the most light — the summer solstice. On June 20, thousands of participants from across the world come together to fight the darkness of Alzheimer’s through a fundraising activity of their choice. Although the summer solstice is the culmination of the events, the events will be occurring throughout the winter and summer.

I will be involved in several events this year. A little bit of indoor golf (cool technology I actually like!) in January or February, making some good old fashioned love beads for our loved ones just before Valentine's Day, a party to celebrate the solar eclipse in April (you're invited to Cleveland to watch it - we are in the path of totality!), and a fencing tournament so that we can dual against the darkness of Alzheimer's. 

It's going to be a busy year, and you are invited to be involved in any and all of it. Or, if you cannot attend, feel free to make a donation through my page (or any other volunteer's page).

Your donation will help so many.

Alzheimer’s disease has touched so many lives, maybe even yours. But you can help. With your donation, families can receive support on their Alzheimer’s journey, promising research can advance toward a future without Alzheimer’s and lives can — and will — be changed.

Your donation means so much, to myself and to all those affected by the disease. On behalf of more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and over 11 million caregivers — thank you.

I will be posting updates, and probably several appeals! Keep an eye on FB! And thank you for being a part of my life.


The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Cuts Colors & Curls LTD COMPANY
Alice Schubach
Brenda Altus
Brenda Altus
Duke Miles
Janice Steirn
Janice Steirn
Michael Nielsen
Ms. Jill Pupa
Vicki Socolof
View my Team Donors