Ron Brandvold

is fundraising to honor:

My father-in-law

Fundraising Progress

Ron Brandvold
of Goal
$9,145 Raised

Solstice Champion

I am

playing Pickleball

to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

Pickleball Gamers

Join My Team

My Story

Aloha friends and family,

Witnessing the devastating decline of a once vibrant family member or friend whose life is being ravaged by Alzheimer's is difficult, to say the least. Statistics suggest as many as 31,000 people in Hawaii aged 65 and older are currently living with Alzheimer's while another 60,000 family members are sharing the burden as caregivers, and these numbers are almost certain to increase as our population ages. 

My hope is that you and your loved ones haven't and won't have to endure this experience. Toward that end, continued research to identify early diagnosis, better treatment options, more effective medications, and to develop more certified care facilities and to train skilled service providers are all needed to support those navigating personal journeys through this illness. Advocacy is essential at federal, state and local levels to achieve progress in these areas, all of which costs money and constitute why I’m asking you to join me in financially supporting this cause.

Your $100 donation to participate on Saturday April 13th in our 2nd annual “Clinic2endalz" offers a fun means of financially supporting the Alzheimer’s Association of Hawaii while developing your pickleball skills directed by top tier local professionals. Details are reflected on the attached flyer. If you can't or are not inclined to play, please make a donation to the cause. It would mean so much to all who are impacted by this disease. 

Ron Brandvold

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Alan Hoffman
Alvin Kim
Cara Murray Kim
Chris Benjamin
Colin Petko
David Levy
Debbie Shin
Douglas Chin
In memory of Grandma Billings.
J&M Jennings
Janice Omori
Jeff & Renae Bell
John Howell
Kelli Brandvold
Kenny and Karelyn Lee
Kim Keil
Lawrence Keil
Lisa Barnes
LJ Duenas
Mark Laakso
Matthew Kay
Mel and Jennifer Ona
Mike Bruggemann
PJ Moore
Richard Emery
rick fried
Robin Martin
Rodger Hoffman
Ron Brandvold
Ron Brandvold
Ron Brandvold
Sandra Burgess
Scott Power
shari kogan
Teresa Fabry
Tim Powell
Timothy Deegan
Wendy Crabb
View my Team Donors