Kate Johnstone

is fundraising to honor:

David Johnstone, my father

Fundraising Progress

Kate Johnstone
of Goal
$905 Raised

I am

playing Tennis

to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

Providence Plantation Racquet and Swim Club

Join My Team

My Story

My dad, David Johnstone, was a great man. He was a loving husband & father to his beautiful wife Patricia and to me and my 4 siblings. Tragically because of this terrible disease, we lost him twice. Losing a loved one twice is how this disease brutally punishes. Unfortunately, it's happening earlier and earlier in life for some. People are starting to see if happen to loved ones who are in their 50's. 

I am dedicated to doing what I can to raise awareness and money to help fight this awful disease so families can make lifetime memories. 

On Saturday, June 22nd my friends and I are hosting a charity mixed doubles tennis tournament. We want to use our love for the game of tennis to come together, compete, laugh, learn, and have fun. 

We ask that you join us, registration for the event opens June 1st. Look for the registration on our team page. If you cannot join, but feel called to act, any donation is greatly  appreciated. 

Thank you from my entire family! 

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Billy Stover
Kate Johnstone
Kim Brey
Mary and Rick Oakley
Mary Rachel Eshleman
Steve Johnstone
View my Team Donors