Jane Adams

is fundraising to honor:

Jane is participating in memory of her late husband, Gerard Adams, who lost his battle with Alzheimer's disease in 2001, at the age of 54.

Fundraising Progress

Jane M. Adams
of Goal
$950 Raised

I am

creating Arts/Crafts

to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

Jane's Longest Day

Join My Team

My Story

The Longest Day is the day of the year with the most light the summer solstice. And it's the day I have committed to fight Alzheimer's disease! I’m participating in The Longest Day, a fundraising event to advance the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

I will be hosting " Making ART2ENDALZ " at my home on Friday, June 21st, from 10 AM to 4 PM. I will provide art materials for several art projects, that you can make & take home, for a donation to the Alzheimer's Association. Bring your children or grandchildren, there are all levels of activities, decorating rocks, paint a picture, create a collage and card making.

Please donate in memory of Gerard "Gerry" Adams, my husband who lost his battle with this disease in 2001.

 Today, an estimated 50 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer's or other dementias, including more than 5 million Americans. In the United States alone, 16 million friends and family members are providing their care. We must take action now, or these numbers will continue to rise.


Stand up to the darkness of Alzheimer’s and make a donation today to help the Alzheimer's Association support all those facing the disease. Thank you, Jane Adams.

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Barbara Petro
Betty-Anne Zarcone
Diane Fleckenstein
F. Bonair
Fletcher Family
Jane M. Adams
Jane M. Adams
Jeanne Leo
Len & Cheryl
Mary Fitch
Susan Homsey
View my Team Donors