Donations can be matched!

is fundraising to honor:

My brother, Wheeler

Fundraising Progress

Martie Byrd
of Goal
$2,205 Raised

Solstice Champion

I am


to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

M&R - Costner & Rosenberg

Join My Team

Fighting in Honor of My Brother, Mip
Fighting in Honor of My Brother, Mip

My Story

Friends and Family,

I fight to honor my big brother, Mip, who is fighting FTD, and in memory of my mother, Claire, grandmother, Irene, and so many others who are impacted.

Please help me fight to end Alzheimer’s! I’m participating in The Longest Day to raise funds & awareness for the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Donations qualify for Company Match so be sure to GIVE DOUBLE by following that simple process.

Alzheimer’s disease has touched so many lives, maybe even yours. I fight for a future without Alzheimer's and other dementias, and all donations help.

Your donation means so much, to myself and to all those affected by the disease. On behalf of more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and over 11 million caregivers — thank you.

As the original Wheeler Smith, our dad, would sign all correspondence,

Peace and love,



Fighting in Honor of My Brother, Mip
Fighting in Honor of My Brother, Mip

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Beth Roy
Brandi Barnes
Caroline Byrd
Claire Natt
David Byrd
Diane Futch Family
Donald Smith
Evelyn Byrd
Jack Adamek
Janet Byrd
Jeffrey even
Julia Grace Byrd
Laurie S Darling
Lisa Grant
Lisa Heath
Martie Byrd
Martie Byrd
Mike & Linda Fournier
Mike Baker
Sandy Kazinski
Tim & Sue
Wheeler Smith III
View my Team Donors