Diane Stilwell

is fundraising to honor:

My parents

Fundraising Progress

Diane Stilwell
of Goal
$50 Raised

I am


to fight Alzheimer's

with my team

West Virginia's Alpha Delta Kappa

Join My Team

My Story

The Longest Day is the day of the year with the most light the summer solstice. And it's the day I have committed to fight Alzheimer's disease! I’m participating in The Longest Day, a fundraising event to advance the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.


My mother had Alzheimer's and therefore, my father suffered as well as my siblings. Mom at first knew there was a problem but as time went on she never felt at home, wasn't sure who Dad was, and often wondered where the "kids" were.... we would all be sitting at the table with her, but as adults.... she didn't recognize Dad because her husband was the young aviator that she remembered, just as her kids were the young ones running around the house, not the adults with children of our own. Dad kept trying to "fix" her until we convinced him to place mom in an assisted living program. It was necessary to move her to a nursing home after she fell and broke her hip and never learned to walk again. We had to witness the decline of not only my mom, but my dad as well. He survived three years after mom died. I like to think they're together and happy again, without pain.

Alzheimer's is a horrid disease and I pray a cure is found soon. Stand up to the darkness of Alzheimer’s and make a donation today to help the Alzheimer's Association support all those facing the disease. I'll be with West Virginia Alpha Delta Kappa sisters at a retreat with a focus on the Longest Day! Thank you!

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


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Thank You Donors!
Diane Stilwell
View my Team Donors