Susie Gilliam

is fundraising to honor:

All those touched by Alzheimer's dementia

Fundraising Progress

Mrs. Susie Gilliam
of Goal
$1,163 Raised

I am


to fight Alzheimer's


My Story

 Why do I continue to raise awareness and funds to Fight Alzheimer's and other dementia?

This is my story: Over the past three generations, my family has lost more than their share of individuals to Alzheimer's dementia! Why so many we asked after losing our maternal grandmother, our mother, and 4 of her 5 siblings to dementia? We got our answer when our 55-year-old cousin was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Our family has a genetic mutation that causes dementia. If one parent carries the gene, then each child has a 50/50 chance of having the gene also.

 The fight is PERSONAL! I choose to do genetic testing for our family's gene mutation, and unfortunately I have this mutation. This means I have a nearly 100% chance of having Alzheimer's. Our family usually starts showing symptoms from 55-70 years of age, I am 65, and it’s not an "if" for me, it is a "when". What do you do when you know you will have a terminal disease? You fight like hell, you live each day to the fullest, you make new memories and search for treatment and hope for a cure! Currently Alzheimer's has no cure and there are NO survivors! So along with the team "Mountain Jammers" on the Longest Day's 2024 campaign, we will continue the fight by supporting the Alzheimer's Association in research, education, and family support. During months when fresh local fruits are available we will be making jams. These jams will be available for a donation to the Alzheimer's Association. 

 Follow us on Facebook: " Mountain Jammers.”

 Visit our website:

 or email us for more information:


Donate in memory or honor of someone with dementia or in recognition of a caregiver.

Thank you for your support.

 Susie Gilliam

 Team Mountain jammers


The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to my donor list today!


Mail-in Donation Form

Thank You Donors!
Christine Fuller
H. Proctor
Joan Chancellor
Lady Di
Mrs. Susie Gilliam
Tyler Longwell