Team Page of:

Carrie's Crew to End Alz

Team Progress
of Goal
$3,010 Raised

Our Team Story

Join my team! Use your passion and creativity to make a difference. I am looking for friends, family, and strangers to join my team and HIKE to fight Alzheimer's. But if hiking isn't your thing, you can organize a Give-Back night at your favorite restaurant, host a BBQ and charge a donation fee, hike, you name it! If you want to host an event of your own, let me know and I'll help you every step of the way!

Together, you can add your light to fight the darkness of Alzheimer's disease and support the nearly 17 million Americans who are impacted. 

Team Members

Indicates team captain
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Team captain
Denotes a Team Captain

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to our donor list today!


Thanks to Our Donors!
Carrie Myatt
Cricket ForCure
Karen Mann
Kirk & Andrea Alderdice
Matthew T. Myatt
Mr. Javier Jose Icaza
Mr. Javier Jose Icaza
O Family
Simply Subtle Staging, Michelle Alonso
Susan K Purcell
Tom Cox

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