Team Page of:

Senior Leadership Team - Charter

Team Progress
Message not found for key: fr_therm_percent_resp
$5,263 Message not found for key: fr_therm_raised_resp

Our Team Story

Welcome to our team page for The Longest Day! We are determined to help end Alzheimer’s by raising funds and awareness for the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association.

The Longest Day is the day with the most light — the summer solstice. On June 21, thousands of participants from across the world come together to fight the darkness of Alzheimer’s through a fundraising activity of their choice. Our team is joining the fight! You can help by making a donation — or even joining our team — today.

We need your help to end this relentless disease. Together, the strength of our light will outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s.

Your kindness and generosity truly make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Thank you for your support!


Team Members

Indicates team captain

The Power of a Donation

The dollars you raise fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

Add your name to our donor list today!


Thanks to Our Donors!
Amanda Carver
Amanda Carver
Amber M Dahle
Barb Fortune
Ben Scott
Bill and Tracy Wade
Brisk Coffee Roasters
Cara Braden
Christy Mink
Chryssa Yaccarino
Colleen Miller
Dale Kuhl
Eve Raisleger
Heather Pate
Jay Nettles
Jayne Sallerson
Jenn Cibrone
Jenn Rass
Jill Salerno
John Hayes
Judy Bonnell
Katie Rodriguez
Keven Bennema
Kimberly Bennema
Kimberly Bennett
Lisa Harris
Liz Molitoris
Mersi Distribution
Michael Miller
Michele Declemente-Hughes
Mike Conrad
Monique Lewis
Paige Scheler
Russ Conrad
Russell Bates
Sarah Haynes
Sherrie Bebell
Stacey Sheerin
Susan Krieg
Tammy Sunderman
The Russ Conrad
Thomas Hoge
Todd Conrad

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