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2024 Macon's Got Talent


Welcome to Kendra Pippin's Page

Donate now to help me earn a fundraising achievement badge!
Personal Progress:
74 percent of goal achieved.
Fundraising Honor Roll

I'm dancing to help reclaim the future for millions. By participating in this event, I'm committed to raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer research, care and support.

Currently, more than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's and that number is expected to grow to as many as 16 million by 2050. Our future is at risk unless we can find a way to change the course of this disease.

I need your support to do my part! Please make a donation to help the Alzheimer's Association advance research into prevention, treatments and a cure for Alzheimer's. For the millions already affected by the disease, the Association offers care, education, support and resources in communities nationwide.

Thank you for joining our movement! The end of Alzheimer's disease starts here.

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