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Austin Dockery's tribute page:

Docks Home & Excavation Services Alzheimer's Awareness Tribute

Team Fundraising Goal: $100,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $280.00

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Helen Newberry

Docks Home & Excavation Services for Helen Newberry

Docks Home & Excavation Services LLC

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

Docks Home & Excavation Services has created a tribute page for the Alzheimer's Association to express our gratitude and sympathy for both the organization and the impact of Alzheimer's disease. Intentionally incorporating the color purple into our logo, Austin and Madison seek to raise awareness for this important cause. The passing of Helen, Austin's grandmother, in 2021 due to the disease was a significant factor in the establishment of our business. Helen was a central figure in Austin's life, always serving as a source of motivation and inspiration for him and those around her. We are committed to honoring Helen's legacy in our business and daily lives, and we encourage others to do the same. Helen was not only a beautiful woman but also possessed an incredibly beautiful soul.

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