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Joan Krzes's tribute page:

Henry Lerminiaux

.holding hands. holding hearts.

.holding hands. holding hearts.

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Life is to be Cherished

My grandpa lived a full-filled happy life. When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's it hit my family hard. My mother quit her job to take care of my grandfather (her father) and we added an addition onto our house for him and my grandma to live. My mother was his guiding light, he trusted her the most with every move. I respect her so much more than she knows for doing that. After doing the Alz. Memory Walk last year it make me want to do it every year, and raise as much money as i can. I would never trade the last moments i spent with him, even if it was in a hospital room. :] he is always in my heart.

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