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Yamilet Ramirez Lopez's tribute page:

Cipriano Ramirez Tribute

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Life has always been a challenge for each person, they must always do the daily necessities, in order to continue with their lives, I grew up in a poor family in the southern part of Mexico, we lacked food daily. In my family it is made up of a grandmother and grandmother, my grandfather is my father's father, and my grandmother is my mother's mother, my grandmother's partners had already died when I was born, when I was 14 years old. , my grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer's it was a very painful stretch for us, my family and I went through so much, but we were there for him, we did everything necessary so that every day, we could make him smile, my grandfather was everything to me . He was always giving me advice, taking care of me, scolding me if I did something wrong, he was the one who was by my side at every stage of my life, my grandfather was like a light in my path, he was someone I could trust and follow in his footsteps, When he passed away, there was a great emptiness in our hearts, I hope and this inspires those people who have older people in their families to enjoy the little things that are presented to them in their lives, and more with the company of their relatives.

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