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Jennifer Guerrero's tribute page:

James "Jimmy" B. Loftin III

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $240.00

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Jimmy was a kind, warm-hearted, witty soul who had a gift for making people laugh. If he ran out of jokes, he would simply make up new ones. He was friendly and outgoing and always made you feel appreciated. He would seek you out to enjoy a conversation, particularly if you wore anything VA Tech-related (his Alma mater). There were no strangers in his life!
Jimmy was very intelligent and could accomplish anything he set out to do. He was also one of the luckiest people when it came to playing Dominos. If you could ever actually beat him in a game, it was truly an accomplishment of epic proportions.
Our beloved Jimmy, my Dad, will be truly missed!!

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