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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Christina Martin's tribute page:

Lee James Martin III Tribute Page

Team Fundraising Goal: $621.00

Total Number of Gifts: 23
Total Value of Gifts: $1,115.00

Recent Donors

Crystal Johns

The Strong Family

Lee James Martin III


Karen Porter

Charlotte Lee

The Davenport Family

Yong Sohn

Veronica Goodrich

Margaux Harrold

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Our dad Lee James Martin III, suffered from an Ischemic Stroke caused by a blood clot in the brain, which transitioned to Vascular Dementia.

For the last (4) years our mom Clara has been his tireless caretaker until the Lord brought him home on April 19, 2020.

Father's Day is June 21, 2020, we are raising $621 to support for caretakers like our mom and all who love and who have lost Alzheimer's / Dementia patients like our dad.

Help us fight the battle of Alzheimer's and Dementia today!

God bless you!
The Martin Family

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