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Paul Zolfaghari's tribute page:

Barbara Patton - One of God's Angels on Earth

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Barbara Patton

Barbara Rocap Patton, 90, of Damascus, Maryland, died on April 11, 2020 from Alzheimer's disease. Barbara had 10 children, 54 grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren. Barbara dedicated her life to her family and to God. She was preceded in death by her husband Robert E. Patton. Both Mr. and Mrs. Patton had hearts for reaching young people for Jesus Christ and supported with their time, energy and financial resources numerous Christian churches and organizations. Alzheimer's was particularly cruel to Mrs. Patton, as her greatest earthly joy was spending quality time with her large family, something that became increasingly difficult and then impossible over the course of her multi-year battle with Alzheimer's. Besides praying that more people discover the grace of Jesus, her family also prays that Alzheimer's can be defeated so that other families do not experience the same end of life circumstances as Mrs Patton.

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