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Beth Meyer's tribute page:

Mildred Louise Seidman Margolies

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $85.00

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The Frattarelli Family

Linda Morison

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My mother who was a brilliant lawyer developed Alzheimer's 10 years ago. At the time of her death, she could not even recognize family members.

She graduated from Columbia Law School in 1952. Millie served as Chief of the Court of Federal Claims Section from 1985 until her retirement in 2005.Throughout her stellar career, she was a singularly productive and effective force for the fair, equal, and proper application of our nation's tax laws. Her work as an litigator and a Chief earned her numerous awards, including the John Marshall Award, the Senior Executive Rank Award, and the Mary C. Lawton Award.

Millie's contributions to the tax community reached beyond the Tax Division. She served as President of the Court of Federal Claims Bar Association, and remained an active member after her retirement. In 1998, she was the first recipient of the Golden Eagle Award for "Dedicated and Selfless Commitment to Strengthening the Court as an Institution and Advancing the Cause of Justice." Millie was also awarded the prestigious Liles Award by the Federal Bar Association on Taxation.

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