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Total Gifts:

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Kathryn Wingate's tribute page:

The Ray Wingate and Marlene Robinson Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $980.00

Recent Donors

Mike and Sheila

Amr & Peggy


Marcus Holzinger and Kathy Wingate

Dave and Pat

Jeremy & Pam




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Alzheimer's has affected both of our lives through the loss of my grandfather, Ray Wingate, and the diagnosis of Marcus's grandmother, Marlene Robinson. We have been touched by our grandparent's courage while fighting this disease, and the strength of those who provided and continue to provide care for them. Marcus's mother, Nancy Holzinger, is one of those who has dedicated her life to the treatment of this disease, and we are both grateful and inspired by her.
This fund was started to support the research of the many amazing scientists, doctors, and nurse practitioners who are our soldiers on the front lines of this battle. It is our hope that this reseach will lead to Alzheimer's becoming a disease of the past. We are grateful for your support.

"Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality."

Guest Book

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Eric & Stacy
Sat, Jun 06, 2009
Congratulations on your wedding!
I just wanted to say how incredibly amazing and thoughtful this tribute fund is. I can only hope everyone's thoughts, prayers and donations through this fund and others will bring about cures or prevention. This is truly an generous and selfless notion in lieu of gifts. You both are completely awesome people - it's no wonder you have found each other! May you lives be blessed with love, happiness and prosperity. But most of all love.

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