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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Jenny Israel's tribute page:

Sarah Eigenmann and Jenny Israel's 60th Birthdays!



Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 26
Total Value of Gifts: $1,695.00

Recent Donors

Sarah Eigenmann

Jenny& Jonas

Tom & Cheryl Lesser

Jenny Israel

Christine & Barry

Penny and Mark Sherry

Gary & Kati Simons

The Borrero's

Morrissey Family

Rhonda Brau

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List


We are both so grateful to be healthy and celebrating our milestone 60th birthdays this year!
We invite you to share our joy and gratitude for our good fortune and donate to help those suffering from dementia related brain disorders. We've both had close family members and friends who've endured this agonizing disease. We'd love you to join us to assist in providing hope!
Thanks for considering this important cause.

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