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Wendy Abel's tribute page:

Melvin Abel

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Melvin Abel was a wonderful brother, father, uncle and friend. Melvin was a tailor by trade, one of the finest in South Carolina. His daughters Tami and Teri were the lights and sources of his life and strength. He was proud of their accomplishments.

Melvin's sense of humor was legendary with his family and co-workers. He always had a story to tell that would make the room laugh. Melvin also was a lover of music. He had a large record collection that encompassed a variety of genres.

With the knowledge that older African Americans develop Alzheimer's/Dementia at a higher rate than any other group of older Americans. Tami and Teri wanted to honor their father with donations to the Alzheimer's Association for increased research in care, research, education and outreach can be continued.

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