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Total Gifts:

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Jack Poindexter's tribute page:

Zoe runs for Ann

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 66
Total Value of Gifts: $4,408.00

Recent Donors

Gabriela Borgiotti

Mr. Niall McDermott

Rory Madway

Camila Joaquim

Colin Quinton

Tana L. smith

Bengt Aberg


Jessica and Ava

Tsiaras Family

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Edit, as of today, she did it! Over 4K raised (and counting) and she was a trooper the whole time. Some good days and some bad. She ran in the rain, she ran on treadmills at 6 am when the air was too bad to breath because of the smoke outside and she rallied and got it done every single day regardless of how she felt. There were days where she really struggled and days we could barely keep up wither her. We couldn’t be more proud and inspired by her. Her 7yo sister, Eve, was there for her the whole time even getting out to the track for 6am runs before school. What an amazing couple of girls!
Original message:
Our 9 year old daughter Zoe was recently inspired by a 10 year old friend of hers who ran 50, 5k runs in 50 days to raise money for lung cancer. He was originally inspired by the "iron cowboy" and succeeded in raising over $4,000 in donations in honor of his recently diagnosed grandfather. Zoe's grandmother, Ann Poindexter, eventually succumbed to early onset Alzheimer's far too young and Zoe immediately thought of following in her friend Niall's footsteps and raising money in memory of her. We are extremely proud of our brave little girl and, her Grandmother is smiling down on right now. Zoe is now halfway through her challenge (25 days in a row!) and her goal is to raise $2500 by the time her 50th 5k (yes in a row!) is done on 12/4/2018. GO ZOE GO!

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