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Marissa Monticolo's tribute page:

Father's Day Alzheimer's Fundraiser

Photo Pages

Fund Photo Page

Team Fundraising Goal: $300.00

Total Number of Gifts: 1
Total Value of Gifts: $50.00

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Miss Marissa L Monticolo

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After a few years of noticing a cognitive decline, in 2017 my father Carl was officially diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer's. At age 70 he has started to come to terms with the inability to find his words, recall names, memories, and the loss of personal freedom as a result of his diagnosis.

I know I'm not the only daughter out there this week struck with the realization that even with a physical body present, one day I along with many others will face the potentially heartbreaking notion that our parent won't recognize who we are.

My hope is that my father along with so many others affected by Alzheimer's are able to slow down the progression of this disease and that one day, a cure will be found.

For people like my dad and for all others out there, please consider donating to ensure that future generations will never be silently stripped of their minds.

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