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Gianna Goodman's tribute page:

Garry Goodman Tribute Fund

Garry and Gretta Celebrating Their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Garry and Gretta Celebrating Their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $330.00

Recent Donors

Cathy Loftus

Betty & Dave

Jean & Gary Miller

Rick & Pat Nadolny

Sandra J. Goodman

Jerry and Deb Shafer

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The Good Old Days

Garry was born and raised in Wilbur, WA - one of 5 children. He attended Eastern WA College and is a veteran who served in the United States Army.

In his early 20's he took a job as a Repo Man for General Motors Acceptance Corp (GMAC) and would enjoy a 28 year career within the company, working his way into management.

He worked in Spokane, WA where he met his bride. They relocated to Billings, MT, where they started their family, spent a year in Anchorage AK and eventually ended up in Federal Way, WA.

He grew up enjoying the outdoors - hunting, fishing, camping. He enjoys taking road trips to national parks and monuments, watching football and watching his kid's and grandkid's sporting events.


Garry met his bride of 50 years (Gretta) on a blind date. They were engaged after 6 months of dating and married 6 months later.

Three years after they married, they welcomed their first daughter and added to their growing family with a second daughter two years later. They become the 5 G's upon the arrival of their son three years later.

They raised their three children in WA state and have welcomed a daughter-in-law and son-in-law to their family. They have two granddaughters and a grandson.

They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on 12/16/17.

The Disease

Garry has reached the moderate stage of Alzheimer's.

He has good days and bad days.

Mornings are the best time to spend with him as he is rested and typically aware of where he is and who his family members are.

As the day progresses, he tends to revisit the 'Good Old Days' - when he is still young. He remembers places in MT, asks about family members that have passed and talks about traveling home to Wilbur.

By evening, as it grows later/darker, he gets a bit anxious and likes to make sure the house is secure and everyone is accounted for. We have determined that funny old TV shows or movies help to keep him calm. Music and essential oils help as well.

Gretta is his primary care giver. He may not always recognize her but he is anxious if she is away for any extended period of time. When he doesn't know who she is, he does make the effort to get to know more about her - yes he has 'hit on her' - still enamored with her after 50 years!

For anyone who has a loved one with this disease, there is a book called 'Creating Moments of Joy' by Jolene Brackey. We highly recommend reading it.

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