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Elizabeth Bowman's tribute page:

Raquel "Baba" Dominicci

Baba and Bobo at their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Baba and Bobo at their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $550.00

Recent Donors

Richard and Sheila Reighard

Edda McManus

Marlene Rivera

Tommy and Ruthie

Lilly Raquel Hill

Maria Dominicci

Becca Hill

Nina Rachel Simone



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Everything We Needed To Know We Learned From Baba and Bobo

This tribute is for our amazing grandmother, Raquel Dominicci, or "Baba" as we all know her.

It was written somewhere that children regard Grandparents in a similar way to how they regard God. Parents are parents. They are constant and familiar and extensions of ourselves. But Grandparents are different. They are otherworldly, wise and benevolent. We think of them as being as old as the dinosaurs, their stories are ones of times long since passed.

All of this is true of our Baba and Bobo but with so much more. Our "Abuelos" though otherworldly, wise and benevolent, have been as constant and present in our lives as their personalities are real and vibrant. You have taught us Spanish and how to dance the salsa, you've built sandcastles with us, fed us countless meals and traveled with us to the ends of the earth. You've applauded each and every graduation, danced at every wedding, and celebrated the birth of every child. You've never stopped reminding us how beautiful we are and how proud you are of us.

And in doing so you have imbedded in us an understanding of identity that we could never have learned from a book. You have taught us that we are part of something larger than ourselves - a family, a community, a country and a world. You've taught us to embrace our families with open arms, to give of ourselves entirely, and to always make extra room at the table.

We are a crazy bunch. It is true that we probably all eat too much and talk too much - we learned this from you. We also all have very high opinions - of our own opinions. Yes, that's from you too. We laugh loud and long and dance enthusiastically - if not well. We put lots of salt on the tostones, let them fill our stomachs, and then start dinner. And we think its totally normal to have a slaughtered pig on a skewer in the middle of a reception hall.

We have learned so much from you that we wanted to share some of these lessons with you. It's our way of saying "Thank you" - for being who you are and shaping who we are becoming. Because our parents are great, but really, "Everything We Needed To Know We Learned From Baba and Bobo..."

Guest Book

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Maribel Sanchez
Sat, Jan 01, 2011
Baba and Bobo are my aunt and uncle from my mother's family,the Arroyo's.
I lived with them during four months(Sept -Dec 1982)and it was a blessed time for me. To share with the Dominicci-Arroyo family(all of my cousins,Ana,Ruthie,David and Phillip),was an added blessing.The Lord knows it was one of the best times of my life.
May the New Year 2011 bring much health and happiness for my dear Baba and Bobo. May God continue to bless us all.
With much love in Jesus Christ,

Ruthie Weiglein
Fri, Dec 24, 2010
Baba, you have made a huge impact on my life and have touched so many of my friends as well. I love you and am proud to by your family!

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