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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Davide Orlin's tribute page:

!Alvin Orlin

Total Number of Gifts: 25
Total Value of Gifts: $3,290.00

Recent Donors

Anne Leonard - $35.00

Susan Goldfarb - $100.00

Joe and Beth Caiola - $60.00

Jerry & Beth Tarde - $120.00

John Gilligan - $10.00

John Ricotta - $25.00

Michelle Myers - $120.00

Robert and Linda Epstein - $50.00

Marc & Heather Katzin - $100.00

Mona Mark - $35.00

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Al Orlin was a beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend. He passed away on June 13th, 2014 at 78 years old. He will be missed by all that knew him.

He was afflicted with Alzheimers/Dementia in his later years. This disease robbed him of a full quality of life.

Please give to this fund to help support research that will hopefully provide a cure for this horrible disease.

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Charlie and Leisa Crane
Mon, Jun 16, 2014
We are glad we knew Al. He really enjoyed life and his enthusiasm for his family, especially his grandchildren, was infectious. May his memory be eternal.

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