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George Bonafede's tribute page:

Rebecca Bonafede

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $150.00

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Dave & Beth Sheehan

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This page is for my mother, Rebecca. I wanted to create this page for her in remembrance of her & also helping the cause of fighting the Alzheimer's disease. I say disease, as that's what it is --and it's insidious.
I saw this disease slowly take her away from us & ultimately lead to taking her life. She was incredibly healthy otherwise, for an 83-year-old.
In lieu of sending flowers for her, please consider donating to this organization. We do not know what causes the disease or how to cure it, but good Lord willing, maybe one day we will. And I believe this organization will be pivotal, if we are able to achieve this in the future.
Remembering 'Beba': I've missed you mom, even before you left for Paradise... George

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