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Vanessa Horeis's tribute page:

Stephanie Seaborg

Total Number of Gifts: 1
Total Value of Gifts: $250.00

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Joan and Matt Scott

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Stephanie Lynn Seaborg lived a life devoted to the service of children and many others. Born in Warsaw, Indiana on February 28, 1949 and raised in South Bend, Stephanie grew to explore the world and touched many lives with her radiant smile and unwavering kindness.

Later in life, Stephanie developed the telltale early signs of Alzheimer's, unfortunately familiar to her family as Stephanie's mother lived with and passed from the disease. With the support of her dedicated husband Christopher, three children Vanessa, Simone, and Miles, three sisters, and dozens of friends and community members, Stephanie navigated many years with the disease and passed peacefully at home in Canyon, California on February 18, 2022, ten days before her 73rd birthday.

Stephanie's generous spirit will be missed by all who knew her.

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