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Total Gifts:

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Joy Bertagna's tribute page:

Remembering, my Papa, Vincent Treni

Total Number of Gifts: 21
Total Value of Gifts: $1,600.00

Recent Donors

Laura Zomaya

Gino Treni

Mercadante Family

Chris and Teri-ann Scott



Vincent Treni

Mrs. Ellen Moriano

Marisa, Daniela, Alberto, Lucia

John and Karen Bertagna

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Vincenzo Gaetano Treni | 12 December 1938- 9 February 2022

My papa has been battling Alzheimer's for the past seven years. Two years ago he suffered a head injury that sped up the progression of his disease. Although he was well taken care of and looked after by his devoted, wonderful wife, everyday became a struggle. On February 9 he peacefully passed away and we lost our hero. He was taken from us too soon, when we least expected it. Alzheimer's is a mysterious and ugly disease that no one should go through.
My grandfather was the best man I've ever known; he was my best friend. He loved his family more than anything in the world. Drinking an espresso and playing Italian cards was his favorite hobby with the family. Hearing his laugh and listening to his stories were a blessing to listen to. We will continue to remember him and honor his name in every way, and we hope that one day Alzheimers will be no more.

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